Westgate Ursuline Alumni Association

About Us

The Westgate Ursuline Alumni Association (WUAA) was founded in 2023 and is for all former pupils, staff, parents and friends of The Ursuline College and its predecessors, the Ursuline Convent School and St Augustine’s College.

The school was founded in 1624 in Boulogne-sur-Mere. It moved to Westgate in 1904 following the ban on Catholic Schools in France. In 1995 The Ursuline Convent School became the Ursuline College when the boys from St Augustine’s College and Abbey School joined following the closure of their school.

For many, lifetime friendships were formed while at school and through the Alumni, we wish to provide a platform for keeping in touch. The Website is in its early stage of development, but over time – and with your help - we hope to have sections set up for photographs, archives and stories – as well as advertising our events and to join the Alumni as a member.

The Westgate Ursuline Alumni Association was founded in 2023. It was born out of the former Ursuline Convent School Alumnae which in recent years had be run, and kept going, by the late Bobby Kulasingh (nee Lang). Thanks to Bobby’s hard work and commitment to keep the Alumnae going, it was possible for us to relaunch a new group combining all part of our history, not only including former pupils and staff of the Ursuline Convent School, but those from the Ursuline College which was formed in 1995 and from the now closed St Augustine’s College and Abbey School.

Our Patrons are:
Dame Ann Dowling OM, DBE FRS FREng (1970)
Colonel Paddy William MC (1996)

The Officers are:
President - Canon Brian Coyle
Chair - Alice Odeke (1984)
Secretary and Treasurer - Keryn Poulter (1982)
Vice Chair - Sue Hennessy (1985)
Ursuline College Liaison - Chris Gregory

Dame Ann Dowling


Colonel Paddy Williams


Keryn Poulter


Alice Odeke


Sue Hennessy

Treasurer and Vice Chair

Andrew Sharp

Old Augustinians Liaison